
New Report on AI-based Learning Products Predicts Robust 32.8% Growth, $35M Market

For Immediate Release

Los Angeles – Dec 2, 2020 – Products based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) have become the hottest category in the learning market. A new report from Metaari, the foremost analyst firm in the industry, predicts the five-year annual growth rate (CAGR) for the global AI-based Learning market will be a robust 32.8% and revenues will more than quadruple to $34.9 billion by 2026.

The competitive landscape is fundamentally different than two years ago, when Metaari released its last report on AI integrated learning products. Today, the size of the AI-based Learning Market is outstripped only by the market for Mobile Learning, which will reach $50 billion by 2026 as the planet adopts 4G and 5G devices.

Government purchases – largely for military training in the U.S. and China, but also for police training, banks and airlines, all federal agencies in China – followed by Corporate market spending for AI-based training of executive teams and employees lead spending trends.

Heavy investment is also being made in educational products for both adult and K12 learning. The large education publishers and tech giants are buying their way into the school market with funding and purchase of developers. Wiley, McGraw-Hill, Pearson, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Daekyo, Elsevier, Follett, Cornerstone On Demand, VitalSource, Course Hero, Google, Microsoft, SAP and IBM have all made significant investments, detailed in the report.

“These education publishers have huge global distribution channels, which is driving adoption of AI products in schools and other mainstream channels,” explains Sam Adkins, principal analyst, Metaari.

In just the first 10 months of 2020, AI-based learning companies announced nearly $8 billion in incoming investment. Much of the money has gone to start-ups.

“Massive venture capital is flowing to companies less than two years old, Adkins said. “That confirms that investors think these products have high potential for growth.

The Metaari report provides information on more than 700 suppliers of AI based learning products.

Metaari reports are designed to help vendors identify and quantify opportunities and customer segments as well as expected market growth in particular regions and countries.

The full Metaari Report is available for sale at https://seriousplayconf.com/metaari-ai-report/

Link to a graphic showing the AI-based learning market by six buyer segments: https://seriousplayconf.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Metaari-AI-Report-Fig-3.png

Media Contact:
Sue Bohle